I’m Matt Davey, I'm a design leader at 1Password, I take photos of things and places, create what some might call art and am always agreeable to a cup of tea and a biscuit.

52 Things I Learned in 2024 I love this series of internet rabbit holes, each one wildly different from the last.
MacWhisper For anytime you have to take notes or want a summary of a YouTube video. This does local transcription for sensitive things and an AI fuelled version for everything else.
Wulkan Serif A seemingly rather standard serif but with alternate characters that make it wildly expressive. Love the mix.
100 useful coaching questions. Usually when a post starts with a number you should avoid it but this is an exception to that rule. This is a great resource if you're trying to be mindful to coach over manage. You should really be consuming Matt Rutherford's entire back catalogue, go ahead I'll wait.
A course on giving better design feedback. Such an incredible training resource, even if you believe you're great at critique. This covers so many great elements of giving and recieving feedback on your design work and it's presented in a ridiculously easy to digest way.
Curated Links
Listen on demand to my radio show on the wonders and weirdness of Norfolk.
The 1Password podcast with security and banter, cohosted by me and friends.
Coffee Roasters A running list of the UK's coffee roasters, some of which I've had and others I'm yet to.
Bucket List you can learn a lot from someone's bucket list.
Around the internets
2024 a year reviewed A year of photography, art, travel and change.
My Ethos It's important to have an ethos some core principles that drive who you are. It's also important to make them short and pithy for those that have short attention spans.