2024 a year reviewed

Overall this year is floating around the 3 star mark. There were some great highlights I'll go into but massively overshadowed by family illness and upheaval and the loss of Bear my much loved cat.

Photography was a big part of my year, I got a new camera and went on several workshops and trips enjoying both the moment and capturing it. I took photos of deer, hot air balloons, the grand canyon, leopards, forests, mountains and Norwich. I took a lot of photos of Norwich. I was also one of the official photographers of Pride. It was a fantastic opportunity and fulfilled a personal goal for the year.

Art also played a big part in my year, culminating in meeting an art hero Mr Bingo. Another goal of mine was to sell some of my work created with the AxiDraw (a robotic arm you can attach pens and program). Very proud to say I sold just about everything I had put up for sale. 2025 is going to be a year of more experimenting and trialling different styles and methods to see the results.

I travelled a lot this year with a holiday in Maderia, Portugal then work trips to Arizona, Colorado, Vancouver, Chicago, Toronto and Minneapolis. These were great fun and an opportunity to spend some face time with incredible colleagues.

I went to a couple of stand out events this year too, firstly I saw the Lionesses (the Women's England team) then I saw Letters Live twice, my favourite event of the year for the forth year running.

The last few weeks of 2024 were also memorable with the addition of Captain our new kitten to the house. He is ridiculously cute.

Though this year brought its share of challenges, it also offered growth, creativity, and memorable experiences. Here's to building in 2025 with more reading books, improving my writing and photography skills and making more time for art.

A few more specific reviews of the year: