Unrequired Reading, 27

If you're thinking this would make a great newsletter (or even a mildly readable one) then for now you're able to subscribe in all good RSS readers, in the future I might try more approaches. The 27 is for week numbering, don't go looking for 26 previous issues.

It's been a week of very British things in Britain. Firstly it's been raining all week then there was a 1997-esk major election then for the glacé cherry on an angel delight, there was an England game that went to penalties. If I watched any Wimbledon with strawberries and cream I might explode into a union jack.

In an attempt to use this website more and share things I think you might find interesting every few weeks I intend to try and share some links and thoughts. If you're new here make sure you check out my newest endevour creating art

Thanks for reading, catch you in a few weeks.